Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Christians vs Fundamentalists

I had a conversation the other day with a fundamentalist about parables. Actually it was more of a debate. During that conversation I realized how differently we view the Bible, spirituality and religion.

A Christian reading scripture, parables in particular, see themselves and how they can improve, develop and get closer to God. Their goal is to become a better person by being a conduit for His Love, compassion and forgiveness.

A fundamentalist reading the same passages sees everyone else, their sins, faults and imperfections. The world’s problems are caused by other people’s imperfections. Their God punishes the world because other people are evil. All they have to do is to believe.

A Christian’s’ mission is not about what other people do but about Christian love and building non-judgmental, positive personal relationships. The world is saved through His word, which is Love.

Fundamentalists see their mission as creating a society based on their perceptions of God’s will by following rules and forcing everyone into one line of thought and way of living.

For Christians only two rules apply. Those are the two great commandments: Love of God and Love of Neighbor. They take precedence over everything.

Fundamentalists seek to create a kingdom on earth by controlling the government, laws and the use of force. People become secondary to the rules. People only have value by giving validation to fundamentalist beliefs, doctrines and domination.

Those who screaming the loudest about decadence and earthly pleasures are themselves directly tied to the earthly pursuits of power and money.

The biggest problem with the fundamentalist belief system is that it relies on a strict interpretation of the scriptures, Unfortunately that creates all kinds of conflicts and inconsistencies. It denies and comes into direct conflict with all knowledge and understandings that have developed since those writings were created. It comes into direct conflict with reality itself.

In order to follow fundamentalist beliefs one has to deny science and reality itself. When a religion is based on beliefs and opinions, which have nothing to do with scientific facts and observable phenomenon, any distortion and outrageous political agenda becomes possible.

A quote I read in Ann Landers column a few years ago comes to mind: “There is no arguing with a religious fanatic. They see what they want to see. Hear what they want to hear. Imagine the worst of everyone and pass judgment on everyone based upon those assumptions.”

1 comment:

Patti said...

I know Christianists is a term to describe a particular kind of militant Christian.

I sometimes wonder what they would actually do if they actually had Jesus Christ in their midst. I can see them discriminating him.