Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I received a disturbing phone call this morning from my sources at the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. After considering how to handle this news, I've decided that the best way is to let the public know of these concerns so they can best decide whether they wish to continue to support the Mission.

The reports I've received indicate that a staff member, a K. C. Smith who calls himself a preacher has been giving sermons about the evils of homosexuality and carrying on a campaign of harassment and intimidation against anyone who is perceived as gay or who may disagree with his hateful rants. It sounds like he's taken his material straight off the "God hates Fags" web site of the infamous Fred Phelps. We don't need a Phelps clone in this community.

According to my sources, this staff member has been publicly harassing and intimidating people about being gay. Calling them out in front of everyone asking them: "Do you like girls? Do you like girls? Do you like girls?" And interrogating new residents about whether they are heterosexual.

To make matters worse he has established a disciple's group which according to my sources is little more than a goon squad seeking out "sin." Which means harassing and intimidating anyone they perceive as gay or who might have the nerve to disagree with what Mr. Smith is advocating. Needless to say it is creating a very hostile environment at the Mission not just for gay people but for anyone who doesn't agree with Mr. Smith and his right wing fundamentalist hate mongering.

My source also tells me that a church group was doing volunteer work, helping to serve the meal, and one of those volunteers told Mr. Smith that he shouldn't be allowed to say what he was saying. Needless to say her protestations were ignored.

I'm told that complaints have been filed with the director, but nothing has been done that anyone can tell.

While Mr. Smith and his gang of goons have the right to believe as they wish, the mission receives public funds and is supported by the generosity of the whole community. I myself have helped with preparing and serving meals there and have helped with fund raisers for the Mission. Is the Mission open to everyone who is in need of the services or not? Or, is it the sole domain of right wing fundamentalists.

This entire situation needs to be investigated and if found to be true, it either needs to be corrected or the funding needs to be cut off until it is a safe and welcoming place for everyone in need. I know of many churches and civic organizations that support the Cornerstone Rescue Mission which do not follow or support the type of hateful Christianity that Mr. Smith is forcing on the Mission. I'm thinking they might think twice about supporting it if this continues. We will be watching!

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