Friday, November 23, 2007

Keith Rhudy's Objection to the Laramie Project and Follow-up

Recently the Rapid City Weekly News printed a story about Rapid City Central High School's scheduled production of the Laramie Project,which I referred to in an earlier post. In that article I was asked to comment about the production.

It seems that Mr. Keith Rhudy has written a letter condemning that production. His claim to fame in the LGBT community has been his sending harassing and grotesque pamphlets and letters to anyone defending LGBT rights in the newspapers. Interestingly those same pamphlets have been turning up in our door at The Center West. He's finally found the courage to put his nonsense in public view.

This week in the Rapid City Weekly news my response to his letter has been printed.


Rhudedog said...

I absolutely love homosexuals! I show neither prejudice nor favoritism! I love them all the same godly way that God loves me! Real love for homosexuals however would be to fight against very things most of them claim to support! (I only wish politicians loved homosexuals as much as they claim to, and as much as I do, but obviously such is sadly not the case.)

Every single person who wants “hate crimes” against homosexuals enacted is in actuality displaying their hatred of homosexuals by promoting the participation in the practice of homosexuality. I am willing to try to teach how all can get to Heaven; the very thing that many are working so hard to prevent with their “hate crimes” legislation. Shame on them! Theirs is a “hate crime” of the highest order!

You see, it is not love at all when you see someone engaging in a behavior that will surely destroy them, and you decide to militantly advocate, encourage, and promote it, particularly with legislation that will supposedly stop them from: 1.) Recognizing their plight 2.) Realizing their sin, & 3.) Repenting thereof!

Homosexuals will not go to Heaven if they continue in that direction. It’s that simple. God said so. To love them is to warn them. To love them is to stop them. (And not just “them”, but all those who perpetually practice and even promote all those things listed, just as in Romans 1:18-31; Galatians 5:19-21; etc. After all, I want everyone – all sinners - to go to Heaven. We must preach and teach, and warn and exhort, and encourage and inform, about all the behaviors that God said will lead to destruction, and intervene with the truth of the Word to change the direction of those so headed so they can be saved.) Godly love “…does not rejoice with wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.” (1 Cor. 13:6)

Those who promote and encourage the practice of homosexuality ought to be charged with the “Hate crimes” they are so incredibly guilty of. They are out to see that homosexuals are destroyed by God; they don’t want them warned; they don’t want them stopped; they don’t want them saved. They obviously just want them destroyed – despite their disclaimers to the contrary to love homosexuals.

Those of us who truly love sinners – tell them how much God loves them and wants to save them; how salvation comes only through God’s grace as expressed in Christ Jesus, and is obtained through their choice to humbly and obediently repent.

It is what is in the Word of God that will judge us all on the last day – John 12:46-48. Anyone who wants to continue down a path of personal destruction unhindered often suggest that Matthew 7:1 is proof that no one has the right to “judge” their abhorrent and self-destructive behavior. Yet, a closer look would show them that Christians ARE called to righteously judge the actions and sins of men. Jesus even then goes so far as to “judge” some people as “dogs” and “pigs” as in Mt. 7:6.

Yes, to truly love homosexuals is to help them change direction and head towards Heaven. To promote and encourage their destructive direction is certainly far less than anything resembling real love.

OLD MAN said...

I'm glad Mr. Rhudy told us he loves homosexuals. You can't tell by the nonsense that comes out of his mouth or the consequences of the misreading and misinterpretations he has of the Scriptures.

His nonsense is destructive and has resulted in the deaths of many young LGBT people. Of course he would never accept responsibility for the consequences of his actions.

He has a right to his viewpoint and his religion. It's when he makes people suffer, die and hate themselves for the way God made them that he crosses the line.
His religious doctrine is totally out of touch with realtiy and the conclusions of every major health, psychological, sociological, pediatric and mental health organization in the world.

Of course reality, facts, accountability and/or the Bible will never get in the way of what
Rhudy decded he wanted to believe even before his tap dance throgh the Bible to try to justify it.

If he has an open mind and an intellect that can comprehend another point of view then I would invite him to attend the showing of "For the Bible Tels Me So" which will be at The Journey Museum Theater on April 5th at 6:30PM.