Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I don't know if anyone else caught the Good, Bad and Ugly piece by Keith Rhudy today in the Rapid City Journal. It gave new meaning to the ugly part. When truth becomes relative to one's political agendas, we are all in trouble.

Rhudy once again made the claim that Barack Obama had a Muslim education. A claim that has been disproven many times. But there is always some who will bring it up hoping that other bigots will buy their bull. Going to school with Muslims doesn't make someone a Muslim. Rhudy I'm sure went to school with some smart people. But, that certainly didn't make him intelligent. And I thought bearing false witness was forbidden by the Ten Commandments. But, then, I guess when you've been "born again," you are above the rules.

Even if he was a Muslim, so what. This idea that we have to turn control of this country over to a bunch of fundamentalist Christian extremeists who have no regard for truth, justice or personal freedom is absurd and certainly not what our founding fathers had in mind.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Didn't see the Good, Bad and Ugly, but that was all kinds of ugly.