Monday, March 24, 2008

AFL-CIO: Andre Wilson: Winning 'Equity and Access'

"When we can talk to each other and work with each other as human beings, that's when we can make a change."
Andre Wilson has been proving it for years. A union activist in Ann Arbor, Mich., since the late 1970s, Wilson was the first openly transgender person to head a contract negotiating team for a local union—the American Federation of Teachers
Local 3550, better known as the
Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) at the University of Michigan.
The GEO's members are the university's 1,600 graduate employees, who teach classes and work in the libraries. Like graduate employees at several other universities, they fought long and hard for recognition from university management, and today fight the same battles as other working people: for decent wages and fair working conditions—and against discrimination.

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