Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bilerico Project: Vitter Scores!

This month's Church and State from Americans United, tells how Republican Louisiana Senator David Vitter has scored a 100% rating from the Family Research Council.
This just shows, once again, the hypocrisy on the right and the proof that right-wing extremists really do hate gays. If you are heterosexual and admit to using the services of prostitutes while married, you can earn a perfect score from the FRC, but they have absolutely nothing nice to say about gay people who have never "sinned."
This reminds me of a state house race in Michigan in 2004, where a pro-gay Republican in conservative West Michigan faced a primary challenger because he refused to vote to ban gay marriage. His primary opponent claimed to be the more moral candidate, even though he had been divorced twice and admitted to using a prostitute while married. The pro-gay Republican spent over $300,000 of his own money and only won his primary by less than 70 votes.
See. They hate the gays, not just the sin. Simply not voting to harm gays made you more immoral than a philandering criminal. Bilerico Project:

Talk about hypocrisy. They truly are only about politics and power. They certainly don't have any moral veracity! (O.M.)

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