Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ace Lundon has a new project: The Closet Light

I received a phone call and an e-mail from our good friend Ace Lundon. He has a new and very worthwhile project called The Closet Light. It's not just about our LGBT closet but about all the closets we tend to hide in for a great many differing reasons.

"My name is Ace Lundon. I have been thinking about creating this project ever since my autobiography was published back in 1993 and I included the poem “My Closet Has A Light” in the book.
That poem was written by Patrick John Algarin when he was 17 years old and it gave me inspiration just realizing that folks in their closets can receive hope through others who provide
lights. Read the poem.
We’ve all heard the old saying: some things are better left unsaid. Well, in my mind, it should not be left unsaid when it comes to folks living lies in closets; when they could be living in truth, even when that truth may hurt . . . even when coming out of a particular closet might bring them before a Court of Law because their closet “secret” was harming another individual.
We all probably have some closet in our life. It is past time that we should dare to learn about the closets of life.
We can make a difference and become a great help by creating a national - - even international conversation. Maybe the world will be a better world if folks could be helped to live in truth, not lies!"

See and read more about Ace's new project.

While you're there buy one of his t-shirts!


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