Friday, February 29, 2008

MEDIA MONITOR: Michigan media foul up transgender issues coverage

by: Todd A. Heywood
Wednesday (02/27) at 20:37 PM
[COMMENTARY] We all have labels we attach to ourselves. It could be preppy, African-American or gay. Those self-imposed labels are a key aspect of a person's identity, and as members of the media, we have an obligation to reflect those choices. It becomes a matter of respect. And in general, the media do reflect those personal identifications, and as they change over time so do the media. For instance, it was common place for many years to use the term "colored" in reference to the African-American community. Now the media use the term black or African-American.
Unfortunately, not all categories of self-identification have received the same level of acceptance in the media.
In the last three weeks, Michigan has seen three sizable errors in the mainstream media in their coverage of transgender issues

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1 comment:

Stellewriter said...

Every ten minutes a child is born, 1/2500, in which the doctor cannot determine the sex, or gender. These children are Intersex; they are born into a life of not male or female. Likewise in similar fashion the Transsexual is identified with a Bioneurological congenital condition they too are locked into something not quite so clearly defined as male, or female. The best we can do is live as close to what we seem to believe we are. That may preclude the wants, and often ignorant and bigoted beliefs of others. In what case do we ignore this issue and abandon the children who now cannot hide? How can anyone continue in hate and prejudice so as to deny simple equality and justice? It is either time for change and understanding, or simply wheedle out the transgender element as inhuman and adopt the final solution as Hitler visualized? Not an easy thing to resolve, but one that is present and will not go away.

I can appreciate another’s opinion, and the freedom to express same, But I would hope they would be with regard to the children and those who are not so fortunate to have been born by someone’s idea of “normal.”

Should the media address this from a more accurate position, perhaps, the abuse and hatred would cease.