Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Bilerico Project: Ingredients for a New Christian Church

I suppose it's time to get down to the business of assembling the ingredients of a new Christian religion. We need one. That's clear. The Protestant varieties, so refreshing several centuries ago are now stale and disappointing. The Roman Catholic Church, a squandered franchise, has knit its own straight jacket.
What to do. It shouldn't be that difficult to make a recipe that will bring us back into the presence of the fabulous Jesus. He is really quite accessible and friendly if you are not afraid to enter that part of town in which he lives, where he has dinner with "those kind", where he speaks out loudly without the benefit of costly amplification. On a hillside. In someone's boat. Before the furious judges. He's so easy to find.
I don't know why I bother with this. It's not like I personally need a religion. I just can't shake the task. The errand has fallen to me much against my will. I'd really rather be cruising the Ramble, but let's have at it.

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