Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Washington Blade: Robinson backs out of symposium on ‘ex-gays’

Gay bishop denounces reparative therapy; APA disavows event
By CHRIS JOHNSON, Washington Blade Apr 30, 12:30 PM
A controversial symposium to address the relationship between religion and homosexuality is causing consternation among some psychiatrists and some gays, who argue that holding such a dialogue will legitimize homophobic views.
Controversy surrounding the event prompted a gay religious figure who was scheduled to speak at the event to cancel.

Rev. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay, non-celibate priest to be ordained a bishop by the Episcopal Church, had planned to voice his opinion at the forum, but has since pulled out.

Robinson said he canceled his plans to attend because he came to believe that making an appearance at the event would validate the concept that sexual orientation can be changed.

“Conservatives, particularly Focus on the Family, were going to use this event to draw credibility to the so-called reparative therapy movement,” Robinson told the Blade. “It became clear to me in the last couple of weeks that just my showing up and letting this event happen … lends credibility to that so-called therapy."

The forum is titled “Homosexuality and Therapy: the Religious Dimension” and is scheduled to take place Monday at the Convention Center in Washington.

Panelists include Warren Throckmorton, a counselor known for helping patients alter homosexual behavior, and Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, who was quoted as saying he would support prenatal treatments to convert the expected sexual orientation of unborn children.

Although the event is scheduled at the same time as the American Psychiatric Association (APA) annual meeting and is taking place in the same city, APA is emphasizing that the forum is not an official event.
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