Saturday, April 19, 2008

Collegio Online: Day of Silence efforts promote much-needed QSA growth

To protest the effects that modern-day bullying has on homosexual, bisexual and transsexual people - effects that usually leave victims too frightened to vocalize their beliefs, afraid to be themselves - PSU's Queer Straight Alliance is participating in the National Day of Silence on Friday, April 25.

Participants in the Day of Silence pledge not to speak aloud during the day, hoping to draw attention to the consequences that harassment, violence, homophobia and hate bring to communities across the country.

According to a press release from QSA, this year's Day of Silence will be held in the memory of Lawrence King, an eight-grader from California who was shot and killed this year by a classmate, allegedly, in part, because of his King's sexual orientation.

The Collegio supports QSA's efforts this month, not only because the message behind such work is vital, but because QSA, unlike some other mission-oriented groups on campus, has been struggling with membership for years.

Only a handful of PSU students attend QSA meetings. As such, the Day of Silence might not only promote awareness of a worthy cause, but of a group that is deserving of more campus participation.

Groups such as QSA, which works to bridge the gaps between peoples of all sexual preferences and promote awareness of and support for those struggling with sexual identity, are a lifeline for many individuals in small towns like Pittsburg. Hopefully, this year's Day of Silence will encourage more students to help these individuals in their cause.
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