Thursday, April 24, 2008

Queerty: Exclusive: John McCain’s A.G. Pals Overwhelmingly Anti-Gay

Speaking of short-sighted family values, Virginia-based Bob McDonnell also endorsed John McCain and, in 2006, backed a state-wide constitutional ban on gay marriage despite Democratic Governor Timothy M. Kaine’s objections to the measure. Kaine argued that the law’s language - no legal recognition for unmarried couples “that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effects of marriage.” That, he said, offered too many misinterpretations and would further complicate the state’s laws. McDonnell disagreed, saying that they law would have no impact on wills and other contracts, and, thus, should be put forth. McDonnell ended up getting his way, which no doubt pleased Jerry Kilgore, another Virginia Attorney General.

Kilgore’s a queer case, largely because many accuse him of being queer. Perhaps it’s his alleged inner turmoil that led him togay-bait” during 2005’s gubernatorial election, which he lost to Kaine:
During the campaign, the Kilgore campaign ran ads saying that Kaine supported gay adoption. Kaine’s position is that the current law — which says the best interest of the child is the primary consideration, and allows single people and married couples to adopt — strikes the right balance, of the Kaine campaign.
As state attorney general, Kilgore said the Fairfax School Board did not have the authority to include sexual orientation discrimination in its non-discrimination policy.
For the record, Kaine was also accused of gay-baiting, like when he ran an ad calling Kilgore “weak” and said he “isn’t being straight.
To be fair to Kilgore, he did
raise right wing eyebrows in 2003 when he promised not to discriminate against gay people when hiring his staff. Of course, that was probably to serve his selfish purposes. If he really cared about the gays, he wouldn’t have publicly decried gay marriage and civil unions on his now cached campaign website.
Another supporter who’s not entirely evil: Mark Shurtleff of Utah. He
came out against his state’s proposed ban on gay marriage, saying the law would “forever deny to a group of citizens the right to approach its Legislature to seek benefits and protections. This is bad law and should be rejected.” He also voiced his support for the Log Cabin Republicans, which some would probably consider “not good,” but we’re all about it.
Any gay good will Shurtleff and Kilgore may bring McCain goes straight down the drain when we read this letter another supporter, Troy King of Alabama, wrote to University of Alabama Crimson White newspaper while in law school. The school had apparently just inaugurated a gay group:

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