Friday, April 25, 2008

Gay City News: Junk Science on Stage

Psychiatrists Allow Ex-Gay End Run

In 1973, in one of the signal achievements of the emerging gay liberation movement, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), at its annual convention, voted to remove homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Yet, 35 years later, on May 5, at APA's 2008 convention in Washington, the group will host a symposium, at which one of the two mental health practitioner-panelists is Dr. Warren Throckmorton, a psychologist without state board certification and an advocate for "Sexual Identity Therapy," which he says he has successfully applied to help patients "alter homosexual feelings or behaviors" and live their lives "heterosexually" with "only very few weak instances of homosexual attraction."

The symposium, moderated by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Peteet, who chairs APA's Corresponding Committee on Psychiatry, Religion and Spirituality, is titled "Homosexuality and Therapy: The Religious Dimension." Indeed, the panel includes two prominent religious figures from radically different perspectives - New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson and the Reverend Dr. Albert Mohler. Robinson came to nationwide attention in 2003 when he became the first non-celibate, out gay person elected an American Episcopal Church bishop, for the Diocese of New Hampshire.
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