Monday, April 21, 2008 Coming out to Mom & Dad

by Geo Bustamante
Coming out to family and friends can be a difficult experience under any circumstances. But the challenges of admitting to your family that you are gay are multiplied when you are young and living at home.

The consequences of telling Mom & Dad that you are a homo can be life changing and even devastating for a young person. Having recently gone through this situation myself, I’d like to share some lessons I’ve learned during the process.

Don’t use your sexuality as a weapon. Don’t come out to your parents because you are angry at them and because you think saying “I’m Gay!” is a great way to hurt them or get back at them.Before coming out to your parents, talk with a trusted older adult about your plans. A family friend, relative, or even a minister might be able to give you insight on how to best approach your parents.

Be prepared! Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. When I came out to my parents I was informed that I had one month to get out of the house. By the time I told my mom and dad I was gay, I had two jobs, some money saved, and had developed a small network of supportive individuals, gay and straight, who were instrumental in keeping me off of the street.

Choose your words carefully. When the time arrives for you to tell your parents that you are gay, assure them of your love for them. Let them know that you don’t blame them for who you are. Then give them the opportunity to be supportive. Don’t expect a quick positive response. It may take some time for them to get use to the idea. They may never accept your sexuality maybe they will respect your honesty and courage.
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